In this lesson students use previously developed criteria to analyze and decode other portraits that may not be as well-known.

1. What criteria did we develop?

The teacher begins this lesson by reviewing the questions in the criteria developed by students during the previous lesson.

2. Can we apply this criteria to other portraits?

Then the teacher shows another portrait or portraits, one(s) lesser known, and asks the students to work in small groups or individually to answer the questions in the criteria.

In a technology-based classroom or lab, students could select portraits from the resources listed below and view them online. The portraits could be printed and displayed,with student descriptions.

3. How can you describe a portrait?

Students can share the answers about the portraits in a variety of ways.

Presentations: Students can present their summary to the entire class or to each other in small groups.

Writing: Students can provide their answers in a short writing assignment. Depending on the age of the students and their writing abilities, the assignment might be as simple as one that summarizes what the portrait reveals or as complex as writing a short story or poem about the subject of the portrait.

Communications: Students can write a headline and a caption for the portrait as if it is in a newspaper. These headlines can be placed under the picture if displayed on a bulletin board.

Drama: Students can take the role of the subject of the portrait and perform a short skit as that character.

Resources for this lesson:

Portraiture Web Sites: